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CAS NUMBER: 58-08-2

EC NUMBER: 200-362-1




Guarananine is a climbing plant in the family Sapindaceae, native to the Amazon basin and especially common in Brazil. 
Guarananine has large leaves and clusters of flowers and is best known for the seeds from its fruit, which are about the size of a coffee bean.

As a dietary supplement or herb, Guarananine seed is an effective stimulant.
Guarananine contains about twice the concentration of Guarananine found in coffee beans. 

The additive has gained notoriety for being used in energy drinks. 
As with other plants producing Guarananine, the high concentration of Guarananine is a defensive toxin that repels herbivores from the berry and its seeds.

The colour of the fruit ranges from brown to red and Guarananine contains black seeds that are partly covered by white arils. 
The colour contrast when the fruit is split open has been compared with the appearance of eyeballs and has become the basis of an origin myth among the Sateré-Mawé people.

Guarananine plays an important role in Tupi and Guarananine culture. 
According to a myth attributed to the Sateré-Maué tribe, Guarananine's domestication originated with a deity killing a beloved village child. 

To console the villagers, a more benevolent god plucked the left eye from the child and planted it in the forest, resulting in the wild variety of Guarananine. 
The god then plucked the right eye from the child and planted Guarananine in the village, giving rise to domesticated Guarananine.

Guarananines make a herbal tea by shelling, washing and drying the seeds, followed by pounding them into a fine powder. 
The powder is kneaded into a dough and then shaped into cylinders. 

Guarananine is known as Guarananine bread, which is grated and then immersed into hot water along with sugar.
Guarananine was introduced to European colonizers and to Europe in the 16th century by Felip Betendorf, Oviedo, Hernández, Cobo and other Spaniard chroniclers.

Guarananine is found in Guarananine and is identical to Guarananine derived from other sources, like coffee, tea, and mate. 
Guarananine, theine, and mateine are all synonyms for Guarananine when the definitions of those words include none of the properties and chemicals of their host plants except Guarananine.

Natural sources of Guarananine contain widely varying mixtures of xanthine alkaloids other than Guarananine, including the cardiac stimulants theophylline, theobromine and other substances such as polyphenols, which can form insoluble complexes with Guarananine.
The main natural phenols found in Guarananine are (+)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin.

The table below contains a partial listing of some of the chemicals found in Guarananine seeds, although other parts of the plant may contain them as well in varying quantities.
Guarananine fruit powder and seed extract have not been determined for status as "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) by the Food and Drug Administration, but rather are approved as food additives for flavor (but not non-flavor) uses.

Guarananine is used in sweetened or carbonated soft drinks and energy drinks, an ingredient of herbal teas or contained in dietary supplement capsules. 
South America obtains much of its Guarananine from Guarananine.

Guarananine very similar to Guarananine of methylxanthine. 
Guarananine contains a high percent of Guarananine and a lesser amount of the active ingredient in tea. Used as a stimulant and to suppress appetite.

Guarananine is an alternative name for Guarananine, typically used in the marketing of Guarananine. 
Guarananine is chemically identical to Guarananine.

Guarananine suggested uses include weight loss, to enhance athletic performance, to reduce mental and physical fatigue, hypotension, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), stimulant, diuretic, and astringent, and to prevent malaria and dysentery.
More evidence is needed to rate Guarananines effectiveness.

Guarananine, with its scientific name Paullinia Cupana, is a powerful food supplement recognized for its various benefits. 
These are initially seeds, from a shrub of the same name, with stimulating and energizing effects. 

Guarananine, which the Indians used to chew, contains a very high concentration of Guarananine, an alkaloid similar to Guarananine but whose effects differ both in their mode of influence and in their power and duration.
Guarananine is used as a base in many dietary supplements, mostly to aid weight loss but also to increase energy levels and mental focus. 

Guarananines effects on weight loss are often compared to those of green tea or yerba mate.
Guarananine from Brazil is a food supplement very popular with athletes who want to improve the quality of their training or their performance, people who want to lose weight as part of a diet or even those who want to regain energy. .

Rich in Guarananine, tapins and saponins, Guarananine acts continuously throughout the day to provide diffuse energy, without excitement or nervousness. 
However, be careful not to consume Guarananine too late in the day so as not to disturb your sleep. 

On the contrary, the consumption of Guarananine at the right times of the day would promote better sleep, both deeper and restorative.
Guarananine increases arousal levels while decreasing exercise-induced psychological stress provided. 
Other studies have also shown the reduction of lactic acid linked to the consumption of Guarananine and the preservation of muscle glycogen levels at a higher level. 

Guarananine is easy to understand that the consumption of Guarananine allows athletes to reduce their recovery time between sessions and to train longer and with a higher level of concentration, factors directly related to the improvement athletic performance.
Guarananine is a plant and Guarananine is also known as Brazilian Cocoa, Cacao Brésilien, Guarananine Seed Extract, Guarananine, Paullinia cupana, Paullinia sorbilis, Zoom and other names.

Some uses not proven with research have included treatment of anxiety, improvement of mental performance, weight loss, malaria, diarrhea, fever, headaches, heart problems, enhancement of athletic performance, chronic fatigue syndrome, joint pain, fluid retention and others.
Guarananine is not certain whether Guarananine is effective in treating any medical condition. 

Medicinal use of this product has not been approved by the FDA. 
Guarananine should not be used in place of medication prescribed for you by your doctor.

Guarananine is often sold as an herbal supplement. 
There are no regulated manufacturing standards in place for many herbal compounds and some marketed supplements have been found to be contaminated with toxic metals or other drugs. 

Herbal/health supplements should be purchased from a reliable source to minimize the risk of contamination.
Guarananine may also be used for purposes not listed in this product guide.

Guarananine is an alkaloid purine belonging to the group of organic compounds called methylxanthines. 
Pure Guarananine is a white, crystalline, bitter-tasting compound. 

Guarananine is found in a number of plants, principally coffee and tea plants, as well as cola and cacao nuts. 
In plants, Guarananine functions as a natural pesticide to deter insects.

Guarananine is a purine alkaloid commonly found in coffee and tea. 
Several in vivo studies have demonstrated that topical and oral administration of Guarananine exerts a photoprotective effect through various mechanisms. 

Specifically, Guarananine has been demonstrated to induce apoptosis in DNA damaged epidermal cells and tumors while sparing normal tissue. 
Models demonstrate that this apoptotic effect is secondary to increased expression of wild-type p53, suppressor gene that is commonly mutated in UV-related skin cancers. Moreover, Guarananine also has a sunscreen-like effect and inhibits formation of UVB-induced thymine dimers and sunburn skin lesions.

Guarananine is the alkaloid 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine. 
Guarananine is one of the xanthine derivatives present up to 1.5% in seeds of coffee and up to 5% in the leaves of tea. 

Guarananine is a component of the beverages made from these plants. 
Guarananine is also a component of chocolate and the cola nut , the extract of which is used in cola drinks. 

Guarananine is virtually odorless. 
Guarananine is added to cola-type beverages for its enhancement of flavor. 

Subtle and subliminal flavors are widely appreciated by consumers and Guarananine has a modifying effect on other components of the beverage. 
The threshold for detecting the presence of Guarananine in liquid foods varies depending on the nature of other substances present, but lies close to the level characteristic of currently produced cola-type beverages. 

The threshold for detection of Guarananine in water has been shown to be 0.0095%; in liquid foods, 0.0184%. 
In one study, panelists could distinguish a solution containing 0.0058% Guarananine from the control. 

The threshold for detecting taste difference between an aqueous solution of Guarananine and a water control was also shown to be 0.005% Guarananine and to distinguish bitterness, 0.011% Guarananine. 
In aqueous solutions containing threshold and subthreshold concentrations of Guarananine, sucrose, citric acid and salt, all compounds depressed the taste intensity of each other.*

Guarananine has widespread therapeutic use. 
Guarananine is widely used in headache. 

remedies such as aspirin and other analgesics. 
Guarananine is a mild vasoconstrictor and its ability to constrict blood vessels serving the brain explains its use to relieve headache. 

Guarananine is a common substance in medications to treat apnea in premature infants. 
Apparently, the area of the brain controlling respiration in premature infants is not fully developed and Guarananine helps to stimulate this portion of the brain. 

The combination of Guarananine and ephedrine is used in dietary and athletic supplements, and their role as appetite suppressant and energy boosters has been extensively studied.,
Guarananine has a lipolytic effect on fatty cells, able to break down lipids and release fatty acids. 

Given this ability and its draining properties, Guarananine is used for skin firming and tightening. 
Guarananine is often incorporated into body product formulations targeting cellulite and slimming, as well as in eye creams that claim to reduce puffiness. 

Among its constituents are tannin and the alkaloid methylxanthine. 
Guarananine is a bitter-tasting, odorless white powder that occurs naturally in coffee, cola, guana paste, kola nuts, and tea. 
Guarananine is obtained as a by-product of decaffeinated coffee.

Guarananine is a white powder or needles that are odorless and have a bitter taste. 
Guarananine occurs naturally in tea leaves, coffee, cocoa, and cola nuts. 

Guarananine is a food additive used in soft drinks for its mildly stimulat- ing effect and distinctive taste note. 
Guarananine is used in cola-type beverages and is optional in other soft drinks up to 0.02%.



Guarananine is used in sweetened or carbonated soft drinks and energy shots, an ingredient of herbal tea or contained in capsules. 
Generally, while South America obtains most of Guarananinenes Guarananine from Guarananine, many other Western countries are beginning to witness use of Guarananine in various energy and superfruit products.



-Helps reduce physical and mental fatigue

-Promotes weight loss as part of a diet

-Contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system

-Facilitates the transfer of iron in the body

-Contributes to energy metabolism

-Helps maintain the immune defense mechanism

-Participates in hormonal balance in postmenopausal women



In addition to Guarananine, a molecule very close to Guarananine, Guarananine contains other ingredients that act synergistically on the body. 
Among which we find active compounds such as methylxanthines, alkaloids, tannins, amino acids, essential fatty acids, mineral salts trace elements and vitamins.



-Melting point: 234-236.5 °C(lit.)

-density: 1.23

-storage temp.: 2-8°C



Appearance: odorless silky needle-like crystal or crystal powder with the color of white or a little yellowish green. 
Solubility: weathering, easily dissolved in water or chloroform and slightly soluble in water, ethanol, or acetone, very slightly dissolved in ether. 



Sparingly soluble in water, freely soluble in boiling water, slightly soluble in ethanol. 
It dissolves in concentrated solutions of alkali benzoates or salicylates.



Anhydrous Guarananine
Eldiatric C
Nix Nap
Guarananine, synthetic








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