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Synonyms: ynols; alcynol; ammonium quaternaire;LITHSOLVENT; LITHSOLVENT 621; Litsolvent 803; Litsolvent Hc

LITHSOLVENT types are inhibitors which prevent acid attack on the material to be cleaned during acidic cleaning.

ynols; alcynol; ammonium quaternaire;LITHSOLVENT; LITHSOLVENT 621; LITHSOLVENT621; LITHSOLVENT 620; LITHSOLVENT AL; LITHSOLVENT 803; LITHSOLVENT HC; YNOLS; ALCYNOL; AMMONİUM QUATERNAİRE; LITHSOLVENT; LITHSOLVENT 621; LITHSOLVENT621; LITHSOLVENT 620; LITHSOLVENT AL; LITHSOLVENT 803; LITHSOLVENT HC; LİTHSOLVENT; LİTHSOLVENT 621; LİTHSOLVENT621; LİTHSOLVENT 620; LİTHSOLVENT AL; LİTHSOLVENT 803; LİTHSOLVENT HC; ynols; alcynol; ammonium quaternaire; lıthsolvent; lıthsolvent 621; lıthsolvent621; lıthsolvent 620; lıthsolvent al; lıthsolvent 803; lıthsolvent hc; lithsolvent; lithsolvent 621; lithsolvent621; lithsolvent 620; lithsolvent al; lithsolvent 803; lithsolvent hc; Ynols; Alcynol; Ammonium Quaternaire; Lıthsolvent; Lıthsolvent 621; Lıthsolvent621; Lıthsolvent 620; Lıthsolvent Al; Lıthsolvent 803; Lıthsolvent Hc; Lithsolvent; Lithsolvent 621; Lithsolvent621; Lithsolvent 620; Lithsolvent Al; Lithsolvent 803; Lithsolvent Hc; ; LITSOLVENT; LITSOLVENT 621; LITSOLVENT621; LITSOLVENT 620; LITSOLVENT AL; LITSOLVENT 803; LITSOLVENT HC; LİTSOLVENT; LİTSOLVENT 621;ynols; alcynol; ammonium quaternaire;LITHSOLVENT; LITHSOLVENT 621; LITHSOLVENT621; LITHSOLVENT 620; LITHSOLVENT AL; LITHSOLVENT 803; LITHSOLVENT HC; YNOLS; ALCYNOL; AMMONİUM QUATERNAİRE; LITHSOLVENT; LITHSOLVENT 621; LITHSOLVENT621; LITHSOLVENT 620; LITHSOLVENT AL; LITHSOLVENT 803; LITHSOLVENT HC; LİTHSOLVENT; LİTHSOLVENT 621; LİTHSOLVENT621; LİTHSOLVENT 620; LİTHSOLVENT AL; LİTHSOLVENT 803; LİTHSOLVENT HC; ynols; alcynol; ammonium quaternaire; lıthsolvent; lıthsolvent 621; lıthsolvent621; lıthsolvent 620; lıthsolvent al; lıthsolvent 803; lıthsolvent hc; lithsolvent; lithsolvent 621; lithsolvent621; lithsolvent 620; lithsolvent al; lithsolvent 803; lithsolvent hc; Ynols; Alcynol; Ammonium Quaternaire; Lıthsolvent; Lıthsolvent 621; Lıthsolvent621; Lıthsolvent 620; Lıthsolvent Al; Lıthsolvent 803; Lıthsolvent Hc; Lithsolvent; Lithsolvent 621; Lithsolvent621; Lithsolvent 620; Lithsolvent Al; Lithsolvent 803; Lithsolvent Hc; ; LITSOLVENT; LITSOLVENT 621; LITSOLVENT621; LITSOLVENT 620; LITSOLVENT AL; LITSOLVENT 803; LITSOLVENT HC; LİTSOLVENT; LİTSOLVENT621; LİTSOLVENT 620; LİTSOLVENT AL; LİTSOLVENT 803; LİTSOLVENT HC; lıtsolvent; lıtsolvent 621; lıtsolvent621; lıtsolvent 620; lıtsolvent al; lıtsolvent 803; lıtsolvent hc; litsolvent; litsolvent 621; litsolvent621; litsolvent 620; litsolvent al; litsolvent 803; litsolvent hc; Lıtsolvent; Lıtsolvent 621; Lıtsolvent621; Lıtsolvent 620; Lıtsolvent Al; Lıtsolvent 803; Lıtsolvent Hc; Litsolvent; Litsolvent 621; Litsolvent621; Litsolvent 620; Litsolvent Al; Litsolvent 803; Litsolvent Hc


LITHSOLVENT types are inhibitors which prevent acid attack on the material to be cleaned during acidic cleaning. The experience of several decades with various questions regarding the removal of disturbing scales has led to the development of a wide choice of inhibitors. Depending on the type of acid, temperature, cleaning time and materials, the most effective inhibitor will be recommended.

Unless known, rates of mass loss with and without inhibitor are measured in the laboratory to record the subsequent protective effect in terms of numbers. Many scales are so difficult to dissolve that our customers use our experience with acids and acid mixtures and their effective inhibition.

LITHSOLVENT cleaners are ready-to-use mixtures of acid and inhibitor for customers who do not have the ability to prepare cleaning solutions themselves. In general, it is inhibited by formic acid, hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid formulated for different temperatures and cleaning materials.

LITHSOLVENT 620 mixture of alkynol and quaternary ammonium, cationic for acid cleaning, when using hydrochloric acid (usually 5%) protects steel and copper

LITHSOLVENT AL blend of special corrosion inhibitors and quaternary ammonium compounds, cationic for acidic cleaning, when using hydrochloric acid (usually 5%) protects aluminum

LITHSOLVENT 620 blend of alkynol and quaternary ammonium compounds, cationic for acidic cleaning, when using hydrochloric acid (usually 5%) protects steel and copper

LITHSOLVENT ZN Aqueous blend of quaternary ammonium compounds, cationic for acidic cleaning, when using formic acid or phosphoric acid (usually 5%) Protects zinc and galvanized surfaces

LITHSOLVENT 803 Nonionic glycolic solution and sulfur compounds in acidic cleaning, when using organic acids
(usually 5%)
Protects steel and copper

LITHSOLVENT HC mod blend of nonionic and cationic protective substances For the formulation of solid cleaners citric acid / amidosulfonic acid suitable for food contact
Protects metallic materials

Product / CAS No / Labeling / Boiling T ° / Vapor pressure / Solubility in water / Viscosity / State
Annual mass flow (t)

LITHSOLVENT 621 / (propinol <25%) 107-19-7
(propinol) /
H302 / H331 /
H311 / H314 /
H373 / H411
100 ° C / - / - / soluble / - / - / liquid / 1.4

Quaternary ammonium
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Quaternary ammonium. The R groups can be the same or different alkyl or aryl groups.
Quaternary ammoniums are polyatomic cations of general structure NR4 +. Their structure contains at least one hydrophobic hydrocarbon chain linked to a positively charged nitrogen atom, and other alkyl groups which are mostly short chain substituents such as methyl or benzyl groups. Unlike ammonium ions (NH4 +) and primary, secondary or tertiary ammonium cations, quaternary ammoniums are permanently charged, regardless of the pH of their solution. Quaternary ammonium salts or quaternary ammonium compounds (also called quaternary amines in petroleum jargon) are salts of quaternary ammonium cations with an anion.

Currently, quaternary ammonium compounds (CAQ) are the main class of cationic surfactants used as ingredients in fabric softeners, antistatic agents, disinfectants, biocides, detergents, phase transfer agents and many personal care products. , such as hair care products (Ding and Tsai, 2003; Lara-Martin et al., 2010; Tsai and Ding 2004). The three most frequently detected CAQs in natural environments are dimethyl dialkyl ammonium (DADMAC) (having alkyl chain lengths of C8 to C18), trimethyl alkyl ammonium (ATMAC) (C12-C18) and alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium (ADBAC) (C12-C18) 1

Quaternary ammonium salts are prepared by alkylation of amines, in a process called quaternization2. Usually one of the alkyl groups in the amine is larger than the others. A typical synthesis for benzalkonium chloride is the reaction between a long chain alkyldimethylamine and benzyl chloride:

CH3 (CH2) nN (CH3) 2 + ClCH2C6H5 → [CH3 (CH2) nN (CH3) 2CH2C6H5] + Cl-.
Quaternary ammonium salts are generally not very reactive. They can however undergo Sommelet-Hauser4 rearrangement and Stevens5 rearrangement, as well as undergo dealkylation under harsh conditions. Quaternary ammonium cations can also undergo Hofmann elimination in the presence of hydrogens in the beta of nitrogen.

Quaternary ammonium salts are used as disinfectants, surfactants

LITHSOLVENT AL    blend of special corrosion inhibitors and quaternary ammonium compounds, cationic    for acidic cleaning, when using hydrochloric acid (usually 5%) protects aluminium    
LITHSOLVENT 620    blend of alkynol and quaternary ammonium compounds, cationic    for acidic cleaning, when using hydrochloric acid (usually 5%) protects steel and copper    
LITHSOLVENT ZN    Aqueous blend of quaternary ammonium compounds, cationic    for acidic cleaning, when using formic acid or phosphoric acid (usually 5%) Protects zinc and galvanized surfaces    
LITHSOLVENT 803    Nonionic glycolic solution and sulfur compounds    in acidic cleaning, when using organic acids
(usually 5%)
Protects steel and copper    
LITHSOLVENT HC mod    blend of nonionic and cationic protective substances    For the formulation of solid cleaners citric acid / amidosulfonic acid suitable for food contact
Protects metallic materials
active agents, softeners and antistatic agents (for example in shampoos). In liquid softeners, ammonium chlorides are often used. In the antistatic bands used in clothes dryers, ammonium sulphates are used instead. Spermicidal gels also contain quaternary ammonium salts.
Quaternary ammonium compounds also have antimicrobial activity6. Some, especially those with a long alkyl chain, are used as antimicrobials and disinfectants. Mention may in particular be made of benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride, methylbenzethonium chloride, cetalkonium chloride, cetylpyridinium chloride, cetrimonium, cetrimide, dofanium chloride, tetraethylammonium bromide, didecyldimethylammonium chloride, and didecyldimethylammonium chloride. domiphene bromide. They are also effective against fungi, amoeba and enveloped viruses7 by causing cell membrane rupture [ref. necessary]. Quaternary ammoniums are lethal to a wide variety of organisms, with the exception of endospores, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and non-enveloped viruses [ref. necessary].

Unlike phenolic compounds, quaternary ammoniums are not very effective in the presence of organic compounds. However, they are very effective in combination with phenols. Quaternary ammoniums are deactivated by soaps and other anionic detergents, as well as cotton fibers7. In addition, it is not recommended to use them in hard water. Effective levels are estimated at 200 ppm8. They are effective at temperatures up to 100 ° C.

Phase transfer catalysts
In organic synthesis, quaternary ammonium salts are used as phase transfer catalysts. Such catalysts accelerate the reactions between reactants dissolved in immiscible solvents. Dichlorocarbene, a highly reactive compound, is produced by these catalysts by the reaction between chloroform and sodium hydroxide.

Some quaternary ammonium compounds are present in osmolytes, in particular glycine betaine (trimethylglycine), which stabilizes the osmotic pressure in cells9.

Growth retardants
Cycocel (chlormequat chloride) reduces the size of plants by inhibiting the production of gibberellins, the main plant hormones responsible for cell elongation. Thus, their effects occur primarily on the tissues of the stem, petiole and peduncle. At a lower level, it also acts on leaf expansion, resulting in thicker leaves with a darker green color10.

A ynol (or alkynol) is an organic compound comprising an alkyne group, one of the carbon atoms of which carries a hydroxyl function. The deprotated anion of ynol is called a ynolate. Ethynediol, which has a hydroxyl group on either side of its triple bond, is the only ynediol that can exist.

Ynol – ketene tautomerism
Ynols can interconvert into ketenes. The ynol form is usually unstable and quickly changes to ketene. For example, ethynol interconverts into ethenone:


LITHSOLVENT types are inhibitors which prevent acid attack on the material to be cleaned during acidic cleaning. The experience of several decades with various questions regarding the removal of disturbing scales has led to the development of a wide choice of inhibitors. Depending on the type of acid, temperature, cleaning time and materials, the most effective inhibitor will be recommended.

Unless known, rates of mass loss with and without inhibitor are measured in the laboratory to record the subsequent protective effect in terms of numbers. Many scales are so difficult to dissolve that our customers use our experience with acids and acid mixtures and their effective inhibition.

LITHSOLVENT cleaners are ready-to-use mixtures of acid and inhibitor for customers who do not have the ability to prepare cleaning solutions themselves. In general, it is inhibited by formic acid, hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid formulated for different temperatures and cleaning materials.

LITHSOLVENT 620 mixture of alkynol and quaternary ammonium, cationic for acid cleaning, when using hydrochloric acid (usually 5%) protects steel and copper

LITHSOLVENT AL blend of special corrosion inhibitors and quaternary ammonium compounds, cationic for acidic cleaning, when using hydrochloric acid (usually 5%) protects aluminum

LITHSOLVENT 620 blend of alkynol and quaternary ammonium compounds, cationic for acidic cleaning, when using hydrochloric acid (usually 5%) protects steel and copper

LITHSOLVENT ZN Aqueous blend of quaternary ammonium compounds, cationic for acidic cleaning, when using formic acid or phosphoric acid (usually 5%) Protects zinc and galvanized surfaces

LITHSOLVENT 803 Nonionic glycolic solution and sulfur compounds in acidic cleaning, when using organic acids
(usually 5%)
Protects steel and copper

LITHSOLVENT HC mod blend of nonionic and cationic protective substances For the formulation of solid cleaners citric acid / amidosulfonic acid suitable for food contact
Protects metallic materials

Product / CAS No / Labeling / Boiling T ° / Vapor pressure / Solubility in water / Viscosity / State
Annual mass flow (t)

LITHSOLVENT 621 / (propinol <25%) 107-19-7
(propinol) /
H302 / H331 /
H311 / H314 /
H373 / H411
100 ° C / - / - / soluble / - / - / liquid / 1.4

LITHSOLVENT cleaners are ready-to-use mixtures of acid and inhibitor for customers who do not have the ability to prepare cleaning solutions themselves. In general, it is inhibited by formic acid, hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid formulated for different temperatures and cleaning materials.
LITHSOLVENT 620 mixture of alkynol and quaternary ammonium, cationic for acid cleaning, when using hydrochloric acid (usually 5%) protects steel and copper.

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