Witchhazel Cellular Extract acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant agent.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is the extract of the leaves of witch hazel, hamamelis virginiana.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract contains tannic acid, kaempferol, quercetin and caffeoylquinic acid as active compounds.
CAS Number: 84696-19-5
EINECS Number: 283-637-9
Synonyms: Witch Hazel, Snapping hazel, Spotted alder, Striped alder, Tobacco wood, Winter bloom, 101I4J0U34, Anorectal astringent, B-SURE Traveler, B-SURE Traveler Towelette, WITCH HAZEL;WITCH HAZEL EXTRACT;WITCH HAZEL EXTRACTS, Hamamelis virginiana, ext., HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA (WITCH HAZEL) EXTRACT;HAMHAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA (WITCH HAZEL) EXTRACTAMELIS;WITCH HAZEL LIQUID EXTRACT;WITCH HAZEL EXTRACT USP--14% ALCOHOL
Witchhazel Cellular Extract liquid's distillate lotion shows anti-inflammatory activity on UVB-induced erythema.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract shows good effects on skin injuries and provides skin toning.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a plant extract derived from the leaves of the Witch Hazel (Hamamelis Virgi-niana shrub, that is known for
Witchhazel Cellular Extracts fragrant winter flowers & woody fruit capsules.
Contains 20% extract dissolved in water and glycerin.
Found to have anti-irritating and soothing properties.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a wonderful ingredient for use in your cosmetic and medicinal preparations.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is gentle enough to be used alone, or Witchhazel Cellular Extract may be combined with other ingredients or herbs.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract usually contain more alcohol than actual witch hazel, and have only been distilled once.
However, the line of organic witch Witchhazel Cellular Extract offered by Mountain Rose Herbs is superior in both quality and potency.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is distilled from the twigs and bark of the witch hazel tree.
Double distillation with water and organic cane alcohol.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a native to North America.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is an astringent herb that is usually extracted in an alcohol water blend to facilitate the full extraction of the tannins.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract has a high degree of water solubility as supplied but Witchhazel Cellular Extract will produce a cloudy-ish brown solution indicative of the fact that the extract won’t fully solubilise.
Witch hazel contains chemicals called tannins.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a clear, colorless distillate prepared from recently cut and partially dried dormant twigs of Hamamelis virginiana Linné.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract primarily contains polyphenols, including tannins, phenolic acids, and flavonoids, and is a natural astringent.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a woodland tree, indigenous to Canada and eastern parts of the US.
Today Witch hazel is commonly cultivated in Europe.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract has been used for centuries by the Indians against bleeding and inflammations.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract contains large quantities of tannins.
These have a drying, astringent effect, causing the tightening up of proteins in the skin and across the surface of abrasions.
This creates a protective covering that increases resistance to inflammation and promotes healing of broken skin.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a very useful herb for inflamed and tender skin conditions, such as eczema.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is mainly used where the skin has not been significantly broken and helps to protect the affected area and prevent infection.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is an alcoholic extract from the leaves, flowers and bark of the hamamelis tree.
One of natures best astringents, there is probably no better tonic or toner for skin care preparations.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is frequently used in products like after shave lotions, where Witchhazel Cellular Extract shows mildly styptic properties as well as helping to reduce razor burn and swelling through its cool soothing sensation.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a leather-leafed deciduous shrub native to eastern United States.
The bottoms of its leaves are dull gray, but the upward facing surfaces of the leaves are shiny green.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is easy to recognize in the woods in autumn because as other trees are losing their leaves, witch hazel is covered with threadlike, golden-yellow flowers.
pH: 3-5
Solubility: Soluble in water
Viscosity: Low
Witchhazel Cellular Extract contains ascorbic acid, acetaldehyde, astragalin, beta-ionone, choline, gallic acid, hamamelidin, isoquercitrin, kaempferol, myricetin, phenol, quercitin, quercitrin, safrole, spiraeoside.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a clear, colorless distillate prepared from recently cut and partially dried dormant twigs of Hamamelis virginiana, a type of shrub native to North America.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is distilled from the leaves, flowers and bark of the Hamamelis tree.
One of nature's best astringents, there is probably no better tonic and toner for skin care preparations.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is particularly beneficial for oily and problem skin due to Witchhazel Cellular Extract's gentle constitution.
With a plant-based origin, Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a biodegradable and petrochemical-free solvent that is NPA approved, making Witchhazel Cellular Extract an excellent corn sugar-derived alternative to petroleum-based Glycols for hair- and skincare formulations.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract offers benefits and functionalities that include improved emollience, enhanced viscosity, non-irritating properties, exceptional sensory characteristics, clarity, and anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, among many more.
The characteristic color of Witchhazel Cellular Extract imbues natural cosmetic formulations with its innate hue.
The original color of Witchhazel Cellular Extract is brown to dark brown; however, there is a possibility of this color changing, depending on the formulation to which it is added.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a distilled liquid made from dried witch hazel bark, leaves, and relatively dormant twigs.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is suitable for oily and dry mature skin and is comprised of 86% aqueous witch hazel extract and 14% alcohol which acts as a preservative.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is an alcoholic extract from the leaves and flowers of the hamamelis tree.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a distillate prepared from recently cut and partially dried dormant twigs of Hamamelis virginiana Linne (USP), containing natural oils.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a natural astringent, and has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is an alcoholic extract from the leaves and flowers of the hamamelis tree.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a clear, colorless distillate prepared from leaves of Hamamelis Virginiana.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a natural astringent and has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties.
A gently cleansing, deeply moisturizing witch hazel liquiid soap that provides long lasting hydration, helps soothe irritated or sensitive skin, and leaves it feeling soft and smooth.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a natural extract also referred to by the botanical name Hamamelis virginiana linné.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is 100% naturally distilled, formulated with 14% natural grain alcohol and is harvested from a wild crop native to the woodlands of New England.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract works by absorbing moisture from the air and fixing it deep within the layers of skin.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract also works by creating a protective barrier on the skin that helps with moisture retention.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract works by increasing the natural moisture retention capabilities of the skin to give your skin a hydrated look.
A 10:1 extract ratio has 10 times the unique active compound as the original herb in DRIED form.
It is recommended that Witchhazel Cellular Extract should be used at a concentration of 1-60%.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is soluble in water, alcohol, and glycerol but is insoluble in oil.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a clear, colorless botanical extract prepared from the recently cut and partially dried, dormant twigs of the Hamamelis virginiana Linné plant.
This plant is indigenous to North American from Nova Scotia west to Ontario, Canada and far south to Florida, and Texas in the United States.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is obtained by steaming the twigs of the shrub.
The extract created from the leaves of the hazelnut-bush-like-magic-tree, commonly called Witchhazel Cellular Extract.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract contains hardly any tannins (only 0.04%) and the most active component in the leaves is the antibacterial gallic acid.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is used in skin care for its astringent, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract helps tighten pores, reduce acne, and soothe irritation.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is effective in treating minor cuts, insect bites, and sunburns, and is commonly found in toners, cleansers, and anti-acne products.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract helps reduce scalp irritation and dandruff due to its anti-inflammatory and astringent effects.
It can also balance oil production, making it beneficial for both dry and oily scalps.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is often used in shampoos and scalp treatments for healthier hair and scalp
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is traditionally used in the topical treatment of burns, sunburns, skin irritation, insect bites, and bruises.
It is credited with anti-inflammatory, astringent, and wound-healing properties.
It is often used for its anti-itching, softening, and emollient properties.
In addition, anti-free radical activity is now associated with witch hazel, thereby helping counter the damaging effects of uVA, while acting as an absorber of both uVA and uVB.
Ideal applications for witch hazel are in sun preparations, after-sun preparations, and creams that strive to regenerate overstrained skin.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract can be formulated effectively into gels as an anti-septic preparation for treating impure, greasy skin as well as acne.
Some sources cite a recommended dosage of 2 to 5 percent for use in formulations.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is obtained from the leaves and bark of the plant.
Its primary constituents are tannins and saponins.
Other constituents include volatile oil and gallic acid, with flavonoids also present in the leaves.
Toning and astringent, Witchhazel Cellular Extract helps clear and mattify the skin.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is also antibacterial and soothing, two properties recommended for calming acne.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a popular ingredient in various skin care products, including facial toners.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is often used to help with skin conditions, but it also makes a wonderful house cleaner when combined with water and essential oils.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a great addition to your skincare formulation.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract as a facial toner cleanses the skin from dirt or remaining makeup residue and helps balance oil.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is perfect as a facial cleanser ingredient because Witchhazel Cellular Extract contributes antioxidant, and soothing properties.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract aids in unclogging pores, soothes the skin, and balance skin oil.
Also, Witchhazel Cellular Extract is used to reduce the appearance of acne blemishes.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract provides soothing, and antioxidant properties to moisturising products, making them a full package.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract can be used to clean a dog's ears and for tick removal.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is also functional as a household cleaner with lemon juice and baking soda, as a jewellery cleaner, and so much more.
Used Venotonic Agents, Astringents, Anti aging Agents
Rich in phenolic acids and tannins, Witchhazel Cellular Extract has been used for centuries in traditional salves, balms and decoctions.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is now frequently used in products like aftershave lotions, where it helps manage minor abrasions and reduce the appearance of razor burn and swelling with its cool, soothing sensation.
In skincare, Witchhazel Cellular Extract can be used as toner or in place of a cleanser.
Skin-lightening serums, creams & lotions. Anti-aging creams & dark-spot correctors, BB/CC creams.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract can be applied to the skin and scalp to soothe skin and promote hair health.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract may be combined with other herbs, but Witchhazel Cellular Extract is gentle enough to be used alone.
When mixed with water and sprayed, Witchhazel Cellular Extract also makes an effective natural cleaning solution.
Can be used to help promote scalp and hair health.
When mixed with water and sprayed, Witchhazel Cellular Extract can also be used to help reduce or remove stale odors and pet odors in the air, and on some surfaces.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract can also make an effective household cleaner, either alone or combined with other solutions.
In skin care Witchhazel Cellular Extract can be used as toner or in place of a cleanser.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is particularly beneficial for oil and problem skin through its more gentle properties.
Emotive ingredients, Bath, shower & soaps, Antiperspirants & deodorants, Face / neck skin care, Facial cleansers, Foot care, Scalp treatments, Shampoos, Botanical extracts, Microwave extraction, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is used to treat rosacea, heavy legs and skin redness.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract can be used as an ingredient in cosmetic and medicinal preparations, may be combined with other ingredients or herbs, or is gentle enough to be used alone.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract cure diarrhea, mucus colitis, vomiting blood, coughing up blood, fevers, tumors, and cancer.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is beneficial in skin itching, pain, and swelling (inflammation), eye inflammation, skin injury, varicose veins, bruises, insect bites, minor burns, acne, sensitive scalp, and other skin irritations.
Cosmetic Function: Astringent, soothing agent and tonic.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract can be used as an emulsion and heat it but it is more typical to use this as an extract and add Witch hazel extract liquid at the end of manufacturing.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal qualities.
Traditional use of Witchhazel Cellular Extract was for soothing skin rashes, in perfumery as a solvent/ perfume note, as a skin tonic/ toner and as an astringent.
Mainly used as a distillate in soothing and toning products.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract finds application in formulating cosmetic products.
An excellent cleansing aid, Witchhazel Cellular Extract contributes to a firm, toned appearance without drying or clogging pores.
Safety Profile:
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is generally safe for use with no reported side effects within the recommended usage levels.
However, high concentrations of this ingredient may cause skin irritation and dryness.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is best to perform a patch test before widespread use, especially in the case of sensitive skin.