Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a clear, colorless botanical extracts prepared from the recently cut and partially dried, dormant twigs of the Hamamelis virginiana Linné plant.
These distillates offer a variety of benefits for skin and personal care applications in both cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a bush found in North America.
CAS: 84696-19-5
EINECS: 283-637-9
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a plant extract derived from the leaves of the Witch Hazel (Hamamelis Virgi-niana) shrub, that is known for its fragrant winter flowers & woody fruit capsules.
Mainly used as a distillate in soothing and toning products.
Contains 20% extract dissolved in water and glycerin.
Found to have anti-irritating and soothing properties.
Has skin-cleansing and toning effects.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a shrub that is known as Hamamelis Virginiana and is found in eastern and mid-western regions of the US.
With strong medicinal properties, the dried leaves, twigs, and bark of the plant are distilled to form Witchhazel Cellular Extract.
Witchhazel Cellular Extracts are most commonly used in gels and ointments, and other cosmetic products.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is widely known for its Anti-inflammatory properties and soothing sensitive skin.
The extracts of Witchhazel Cellular Extract can be applied directly to the skin to relieve itching, pain, and swelling.
The liquid extracts of Witchhazel Cellular Extract are usually applied to a cotton ball or wipes and applied directly to the affected area to reduce inflammation and soothe the skin.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract's hemostatic properties help to curb bleeding that may be caused by painful hemorrhoids.
Most commonly used to treat hemorrhoids, bruises, and insect bites, Witchhazel Cellular Extracts works as a good skin toner and astringent.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is used in various medicines to slow down bleeding and act as an antiseptic.
These medications are used to treat insect bites, stings, teething problems, skin irritations, and minor pain.
Witchhazel Cellular Extracts are also taken orally by the mouth for the treatment of diarrhea, mucus colitis, tuberculosis, colds, fever, tumors, and cancer.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is rich in the chemical compound tannin that acts as a natural anti-oxidant.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract protects the skin against skin irritations and damages caused by external environmental factors.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract works effectively well in repairing damaged cells and in delaying the signs of aging.
Moreover, the natural tannins act as a barrier and prevent inflammation-causing cells from entering your skin.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a bush with several trunks that arise from one root, which makes it very similar to the hazelnut tree.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract has alternate, oval leaves; yellow flowers in groups of three or four; the fruit is a capsule similar to hazelnut.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract belongs to the Hamamelidaceae family.
A rich botanical extract, Witchhazel Cellular Extract is a powerful antioxidant and anti-acne.
The extract act as a barrier, guarding the skin against free radical damage and irritants that enter skin cells and result in sensitivity and pigmentation problems.
In skin care preparations, Witchhazel Cellular Extract is valued for its fast and prolonged astringent and anti-inflammatory actions and for hemostatic, vasoconstrictor, bactericide, and soothing properties.
This ingredient is also used in oral and nasal cavity care applications.
Witch hazel extract speeds up the wound, cut, and abrasion treatment.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is suitable for oily skin and hair products.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is an active natural ingredient for cleansing, facial tonics, and hair lotion formulas.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is an alcoholic extract from the leaves, flowers and bark of the hamamelis tree.
One of natures best astringents, there is probably no better tonic or toner for skin care preparations.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is frequently used in products like after shave lotions, where it shows mildly styptic properties as well as helping to reduce razor burn and swelling through its cool soothing sensation.
In skin care Witchhazel Cellular Extract can be used as toner or in place of a cleanser.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is particularly beneficial for oil and problem skin through its more gentle properties.
Plant extract derived from the leaves of the Witchhazel Cellular Extract shrub, that is known for it’s fragrant winter flowers & woody fruit capsules.
Mainly used as a distillate in soothing and toning products.
Contains 20% extract dissolved in water and glycerin.
Preserved with phenoxyethanol.
Amber liquid, typical odor. pH 4-6.5.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is traditionally used in the topical treatment of burns, sunburns, skin irritation, insect bites, and bruises.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is credited with anti-inflammatory, astringent, and wound-healing properties.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is often used for its anti-itching, softening, and emollient properties.
In addition, anti-free radical activity is now associated with witch hazel, thereby helping counter the damaging effects of uVA, while acting as an absorber of both uVA and uVB.
Ideal applications for witch hazel are in sun preparations, after-sun preparations, and creams that strive to regenerate overstrained skin.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract can be formulated effectively into gels as an anti-septic preparation for treating impure, greasy skin as well as acne.
Some sources cite a recommended dosage of 2 to 5 percent for use in formulations.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract is obtained from the leaves and bark of the plant.
Witchhazel Cellular Extract's primary constituents are tannins and saponins.
Other constituents include volatile oil and gallic acid, with flavonoids also present in the leaves.