Wild Yam Cellular Extract is a plant that has been promoted as natural DHEA because it contains diosgenin, which can be used in the lab to create estrogen and DHEA.
There are over 600 species of Wild Yam Cellular Extract's.
About 12 species are edible.
CAS: 90147-49-2
EINECS: 290-441-7
Dioscoreavillosaextract;WILDYAMROOTEXTRACT;WILDYAM(DIOSCOREAVILLOSA)EXTRACT;Yam dioscorea villosa extract;Wild YaM Extract, Disogenin 12.5 Percent;Wild YaM Extract, Disogenin 6 Percent;Wild YaM Extract, Disogenin 7 Percent;Yam, Dioscorea villosa, ext.
Some people use Wild Yam Cellular Extract as a source of steroids, but the body can't make steroids such as estrogen and DHEA from eating wild yam.
Wild Yam Cellular Extract has to be done in a lab.
There might be other chemicals in Wild Yam Cellular Extract that act like estrogen in the body.
People most commonly use Wild Yam Cellular Extract as a "natural alterative" to estrogen therapy for symptoms of menopause, infertility, menstrual problems, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support any of these uses.
Wild Yam Cellular Extract is extracted by a cold press and features a fresh, fruity and zesty scent.
Wild Yam Cellular Extract is from Italy and dark orange to golden brown in oil.
Wild Yam Cellular Extract mixes well with citrus, herby, minty and woody based essential oils.
Wild Yam Cellular Extract is the source of a rich variety of extracts used in perfumery, flavors and cosmetics.
Native to Asia Minor, Wild Yam Cellular Extract was introduced and planted by the Arabs in all the Mediterranean regions of Europe in the 9th century.
Wild Yam Cellular Extract is cultivated mainly for its flowers, which are used to produce a wide range of orange blossom products – essential oil, absolute, etc. – and also for its fruits (bitter orange zest oil) and leaves (petitgrain).
The essential oil derived from the blossoms is commonly called neroli.
Wild Yam Cellular Extract is a natural extract of the root of Dioscorea Villosa.
Wild Yam Cellular Extract can be used for anti-aging, as an antioxidant and for its anti-inflammatory properties.
The anti-inflammatory property assists in lessening swelling which when used in a lotion keeps the skin looking fresh.
Wild Yam Cellular Extract is also said to be a moisturizer which is another factor that helps keep the skin nourished.